How Much Fun Are You As a Home-Based Business Owner?
By Laurie Hayes

In recent weeks, I have allowed myself
to become consumed by business
activities while fitness, family and fun have taken a back seat.

Sometimes you need to burn a little extra fuel to get the rocket off the ground, but
there comes a time when you have to let up on the power boosters and let the
momentum you've created propel the ship.

If you continue to run the ship at full power, the fuel supply will quickly disappear
and you may not make it to your intended destination.

Fortunately, a series of events have required that I pay attention to the imbalance I
created.  First, I was asked to write an article on how to build fun and balance into a
home-based business while remaining productive.

Second, I paid an impromptu visit to the library and picked up Jay Conrad
Levinson's, The Way of The Guerilla, an excellent exposé on the motivations of
today's entrepreneur and the critical importance of balance, family, health and

I had no idea what this book was about until I started reading it, however, it was
exactly what I needed at the time.

Third, I had a coaching session with a client in which we focused our attention on an
extensive project that will involve a large group of people and require specific
structures, processes, responsibilities and a compelling vision that will be embraced
by every member of the team.

Focusing on the schematics of a project is often the easy part. It's giving our self top
priority throughout the process that poses the biggest challenge.

As we wrapped up the session I stressed the importance of taking care of "self" to
my client and at the same time, I realized the message applied to me as well.

As you go through your day and work your plan, keep in mind these words I
shared with my client ...

"Your body and your mind are the vehicles that will allow you to carry out your
dream. Give them top priority because without them, everything else is dust."

I actually posted these words on my computer screen as a daily reminder to myself.  
If this is what you need to do to serve as a daily reminder of the importance of
taking care of yourself first, I encourage you to do the same.

Meet the writer: Laurie Hayes, founder and visionary behind The HBB Source™ helps
government and corporate employees break free of their jobs to live their dream of running a
home-based business. Subscribe to her FREE e-zine, The HBB Confidential, for valuable tips
and resources designed to create business success, visit
The HBB Source
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Marcia Passos Duffy, Publisher & Editor
Author of
Be Your Own Boss

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