27 Keys To Increasing Your Web Site Traffic Today
By Yves Marie Danie Baptiste

One of the biggest
questions people
with products and services that they would like to market on the Internet revolves
around how to get more traffic to a Web site --

Here are some explosive traffic magnets below that you can use to turbo-charge sales
for your products and or services on your Web site:

Key #1

Submit your articles to article directories. Below are a list of some of the directories
receiving very high traffic:

Find Articles
Ezine Articles
Article Cat
Go Articles
Article Dashboard
Article Hub
Article Alley

Key # 2

Leave educated and informative comments on popular blogs that are getting high
traffic with a link back to your blog. The key here is to share some good information
with the readers that are of high value. Don't just write: "hi."

Key #3

Write a press release and submit it to PR Web

Key #4

Announce your website in the correct category on Craigslist

Key # 5

Be an active member in forums and include a link to your Web site in your signature.
It's important that you read the rules first as some forums do not allow signature links.
To find a forum of your choice type into the search engines
your forum interest + the word "forum" and you will find a list of forums you can
participate in. For example: "pets"+ forum.

Key # 6

If you have purchased a product that has given you some great results then go ahead
and write a testimonial for submission with a link back to your Web site.

Key # 7

Start a blog and submit it to the hundreds of blogdirectories.

Key # 8

Don't forget to add an RSS to your blog.

Key # 9

Look into banner and link exchange programs.

Key # 10 to Increasing Your Web Site Traffic:

Start your own newsletter or ezine.

Key # 11

Purchase multiple ads on other sites.

Key # 12

Use a autoresponder or an email campaign to spur people to keep coming back to
your site.

Key # 13

Place classified ads on Ebay with a link back to your site.

Key #14

Send a free copy of your product to other site owners in exchange for a product
review. Taking the time to do this will have a powerful impact on your traffic.

Key #15

Exchange reciprocal links with other related sites.

Key #16

Post free classified ads on any of the sites that allow them with a link right back to
your site.

Key #17

Buy advertising in popular newsletters or ezines.

Key #18

Mingle and network with other people at seminars or other live events. Have your
website name on your business cards to hand out.

Key #19

Write a free ebook and list in on the "free ebook" sites.

Key #20

Advertise on other product's "thank you" pages.

Key #21

Create an Amazon profile and submit reviews for books and products that you have

Key #22

Choose a memorable domain name.

Key #23

Seek referrals form similar but non-competing sites.

Key #24

Create a lens on www.Squidoo.com.

Key #25

Create and sell a product with resell or giveaway rights. Be sure to include a link to
your site in it so others can pass it around for you.

Key #26

Email your list. If you do not have a list.....it's never too late to start one.

Key #27 to Increasing Your Web Site Traffic

Learn how to properly set up a PPC search engine advertising account. Start with
Google adwords. This is the FASTEST way to get MASSIVE traffic but you need to
know what you are doing or else you will lose a lot of money. So be sure to read an
ebook/guide on how to properly do this as doing so will set you up to win and
explode your product sales by leaps and bounds if you do it correctly. Having
this knowledge will help you to dominate your market and beat out your competition
leaving them in the dust where they belong. :)

About the author: Yves Marie Danie Baptiste is an expert in online marketing strategies that
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