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Publicity On a Shoestring Budget
by Jill Lublin

Master showman PT Barnum said, “A terrible thing happens without publicity …
NOTHING!”  You need people to know about you to remain in business. Publicity is
the most overlooked marketing tool and also the least expensive, least risky, and most
effective tool available.

Publicity, Public Relations, and Advertising

Publicity is free media exposure for your product or service. Public relations (PR) is
the overall planning and strategy for dealing with the media. Advertising is paying to
promote your product or service. Publicity is the art of convincing others to sing your
praises for you while you’re singing your own praises.

With advertising, those who purchase your service or product are your target
customers. In publicity, the media is your target customer. One customer sold on your
service or product equals one sale. One media representative sold can result in
thousands of sales.

Guerrilla Publicity

Guerrillas are business operators who substitute time, energy, and imagination for
money. Guerrillas measure their performance on profits, not sales; they place primary
importance on how many relationships they build, not on how much money they make.

Five things you can do to become a guerrilla publicist on a shoestring budget:

1. Know who you are, what you want, and sing your praises often

Know who you are. You are the product regardless of what product or service you
provide. For people to trust you, you must first know and believe in yourself, your
products, or your services. Position yourself as an expert and create a sharp ten to
fifteen second sound bite that proclaims precisely who you are, what you do, and why
you make a difference.

Know what you want. Opportunities are created when you have a clear purpose,
achievable goals, and take persistent action. Publicity starts with a clear purpose and
objectives.  You will succeed with a precise plan on how you will achieve those

Sing your praises often. The most obvious signs of your expertise are that your
customers keep coming back, pay what you charge, and recommend you to others. Ask
for and use all testimonials. Don’t be afraid to boast.  

2. Build relationships with a targeted market

Your relationships are your most valuable asset. Because you’re in business for the
long haul, your best business will come from your best relationships. Take the
“concierge approach” with your media contacts. Offer information, sources, access to
your contacts, and fresh stories and ideas; actively show your appreciation for their
work on your behalf.

Take every opportunity to say who you are, what you do, and how what you do can
help others. In fact, you’d be well served by building your entire marketing plan
around publicity. Be consistent, honest, and believe in your heart that what you do
truly makes a difference.

3. Play the numbers game  - and play it well

The media always needs fresh information and they look for people like you to
provide it. Expect, but don’t be discouraged by disappointment and rejection. The
media sees thousands of press releases every day. Here are a few ways you can make
the numbers game work for you:

•        Press releases. The media wants and expects press releases. Send them hot,
relevant stories with lively one-line headlines that get their attention.

•        Media lists. Media lists are databases containing information about the people
and organizations that can help promote you. Start your own media list or gather
media information from online services and keep them up-to-date.

•        Follow up, follow up, follow up. Contact your media list – often and
consistently. The key is to always follow up and capitalize on any news developments,
keeping your name on top.

•        Media kits. Have a media kit ready to go. Include everything they want to know:
your company history, personal biography, a list of suggested questions, articles,
brochures, a quality photo, endorsements and testimonials, and giveaways.

4. Be prepared for anything

Create a unique and attractive slant on your business. Promote yourself early,
forcefully and fast, assuming you have no more than ten seconds to convince the
media. Then, be prepared for anything. The slant you took may not be the slant they
use. Practice your interviews from every angle, and when the time comes, take
command of the interview and stay relaxed.

5. Get yourself out there

The best publicity often happens in the most unexpected places. Guerrilla publicity is
a multi-faceted approach. Get yourself out there with seminars, articles, a book,
website, or e-mail newsletter. Join Internet communities and use online publicity

Summing it up

Now is the time to take action. Make publicity a mindset in your life. Always look for
ways to publicize yourself and opportunities will appear. Take the time to establish
your credibility and build for the long run. Prepare - and you will be rewarded.  

About the author: Jill Lublin is an internationally acclaimed speaker and best selling
author of the books, Guerrilla Publicity and Networking Magic.   She is the CEO of the
strategic consulting firm Promising Promotion and founder of GoodNews Media, Inc.  
Jill hosts the nationally syndicated radio show Do the Dream, has a TV show called
The Connecting Minute, and is working on her third book, Heart Wired.  She can be
reached by phone at 415-883-5455 or by email at
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Marcia Passos Duffy, Publisher & Editor
Author of
Be Your Own Boss

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