What's Your Natural Marketing Style?
By Kelly L. LeFevre & Molly A. Luffy,

Let me ask you a question...did you
become a small business owner
to become a marketing expert? I know -- dumb question. But I ask it for a very
good reason. You know I didn't get into business for myself to become an expert
marketer either. But I quickly realized that this was what it was going to take in order
for me to have any chance of falling into the small percentage of businesses that
survive that often-quoted five-year mark.

I mean the statistics are staggering! Depending on who you talk to less than 10 % of
small businesses can survive staying in business for 5 years. What accounts for this?
I believe one of the biggest things is lack of marketing success.

So I started my journey to becoming a master marketer by reading lots of books,
talking to people and attending numerous seminars. Pretty soon I had a good
overview of marketing techniques for service professionals. But while the marketing
theory was good, it left me wondering how I could make the theory work well for me
and my unique personality.

And then one day it dawned on me - I needed to discover what I soon started calling
my Natural Marketing Style™. I had been dabbling in lot of different marketing
activities and I enjoyed some more than others. I started to look for patterns and I
soon figured out what my Natural Marketing Style looked like.

What is your Natural Marketing Style? You have one. We all do. Some of us are lucky
enough to have more than one. To determine yours, sit down for a moment and look
back on all of the different marketing activities you've tried in the past. Write down as
many as you can.

Next, create a spreadsheet with 5 columns across the top. You'll want to look at your
comprehensive list and break them down into one of these five categories... "loved it,"
"liked it," "neutral," "sort of disliked it" and "really never want to do again."

After you have your list organized into columns, take a look and see if any patterns
start to emerge. What do the marketing activities in the "love" and "like" columns have
in common?

Notice that you loved being a guest writer for someone else's newsletter? Maybe your
Natural Marketing Style is that of a writer! If so, create a marketing plan with writing
as your primary strategy.

You'll have a lot more fun and a lot more success if you create your marketing
strategy based on your own Natural Marketing Style. So get started right away - you'll
be glad you did!

About the authors:
Kelly L. LeFevre, MSM, and Molly A. Luffy, MBA, authors of the upcoming book
Unleash Your Marketing Karma: How to Build Your Business by Giving It Away, are
Co-Founders of the Business Building Roundtable. This free virtual community helps
service-based solo/micropreneurs create powerful strategies and implement
innovative techniques to achieve their ultimate success and satisfaction. To learn more
Business Building Roundtable.

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Marcia Passos Duffy, Publisher & Editor
Author of
Be Your Own Boss

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