7 Easy Ways to Ease Ezine Writer's Block
by Alicia M Forest

If you publish an ezine regularly
for your home business, inevitably
there are times when you get stuck and
can't quite come up with the perfect article for your issue. Sometimes just taking a
break and coming back later will give you a fresh start. But other times you need
more of a "writing prompt" to get you going.

The following 7 ways should help you get unstuck and get writing:

1. Write a Tip Sheet

Sometimes it's easier to get started by creating a list of tips: How to _______; The 5
Ways to ____________; Top Ten Tips to _______________; Write a couple of sentences
for each tip, and before you know it, you have a completed article full of practical
information for your readers.

2. Answer Your Most Frequently Asked Questions

As your clients interact with you, you'll likely get the same kinds of questions over
and over. Take one or two of your most frequently asked questions and answer it in
an article.

3. Use a Client's Scenario

Protecting your client's privacy (or not, if they give you permission), use their
scenario as a case study. Explain the client's situation and what recommendations you
gave, as well as what the results were. This will help build your credibility in your
prospect's eyes as well, as this gives them the chance to see you "at work."

4. Comb Through Your Reading Box

Do you have a Reading Box (or tray, file, pile)? If you're like me, I get a ton of info via
email everyday that I really do want to read, so I have a box where I toss all the stuff I
print into (actually, it's now two boxes!). Go through your own pile, and see what
ideas pop up for you from there. (I do this often when I'm trying to switch from
mommy-mode to businesswoman-mode.)

5. Learn Something New and Pass It Along

Did you learn something new recently that you can share with others? Or is there
something you want to learn more about? Go and do some preliminary research and
share your findings with your readers.

6. Interview an Expert

I love this one, but don't overdo it. Your readers want to hear from you, which is why
they are reading YOUR ezine. But once in awhile, having an interview as an article, as
long as it provides valuable content for your readers, can be a nice change and even

Send your expert 3-5 questions to answer, and turn the interview into an article by
adding an introductory and concluding paragragh. (I enjoy giving these kinds of
interviews myself, so if you'd like to interview me for your ezine, shoot me an email
at alicia@clientabundance.com and let me know.)

7. Get Back to Basics

Think back to when you were just starting out in your business. What were the things
you found most challenging? Choose one or two and offer your advice on how to get
beyond those stumbling blocks.

Any of these ideas should get you started, and then the words will start to flow. I
know when I'm writing sometimes, I'm thinking "ugh - not in the writing groove
today at all" but once I get going, I'm usually pretty happy with the end result (but I
do LOVE to revise, and revise, and revise... :)).

Meet the author: Alicia M Forest, MBA, Multiple Streams Queen & Coach(TM)
teaches self-employed professionals how to attract more clients, create profit-making
products and services, make more sales, and ultimately live the life they desire and
deserve. For FREE tips on how to create wild abundance in your business, visit
Client Abundance.
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Marcia Passos Duffy, Publisher & Editor
Author of
Be Your Own Boss

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