Resolutions -- That Work
by Helaine Iris

There's always something special about the start of a new year. As one year comes to a
close and another starts, I especially enjoy taking stock, cleaning up details and
preparing a fresh slate for another year of my life to unfold. As I reflect on the past year
I am indeed grateful that I am still standing tall despite many challenges and economic

As I think about the constants in my life that seem to endure, regardless of what's
going on around me it quickly becomes obvious the factors that contribute to my
overall satisfaction and success.

Naturally, as I project myself into the next year, and what I want to experience and
accomplish - it becomes clear that all I need to do is do more of what works and let go
of what doesn't.

So, forget resolutions, they don't work anyway.

Yes, I need to exercise more, but if I am feeling good about myself and I'm happy with
my life, regardless of the circumstantial stress I may be feeling I naturally take better
care of myself. Duh.

As this new year begins here's what clearly works for me, and what I'm going to focus
more on:

Remembering Gratitude -- No matter how off balance I may be, returning to the
simple practice of counting my blessing -- my health, my business, my husband and
children,  always makes me feel better.

Connecting with Others -- I live way out in the boonies and can get very isolated.
Creating more opportunities to engage with people -- family or friends always inspires
and energizes me.

Prioritizing Play -- Honestly, sometimes I can't even remember what play is. Let alone
do it. For me play is anything that gets me away from the computer and makes me

Giving Back --  More than just a nice, socially correct concept, I find this to be the most
important aspect of what creates long term satisfaction in my life. Even when I am
feeling tight about money or lack of time, giving ALWAYS reinforces a great sense of
purpose and fulfillment. I've made a commitment to regularly give both.

What is it for you? What could you do more of? What are the factors in your life that
create a foundation of satisfaction -- regardless of your external circumstances? It's
simple really -- give it some thought and have a great year.

About the author: Helaine Iris is a Life and Business Coach, who has been featured in
numerous publications, including "O" The Oprah Magazine. She helps entrepreneurs
and professionals accelerate their success, while achieving a more complete and
fulfilling personal life. She combines a broad range of professional experience in her
work, including management positions in the education, training, retail and
international non-profit sectors. For a free consultation, contact her at 603-363.4252 to
discuss how she can help you accelerate your own success. You may also visit her
Path of Purpose.

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