Taking Absolute Control of Your Life
By  Sandy Reed

"Choice begins the moment you
dis-identify from the mind and
its conditioned patterns, the moment
you become present."

- Eckhart Tolle,
Author of The Power of Now

We live in a world of limitless change. I still remember when we got our first color
TV, how thrilled we were to be watching movies in our own home in living color. I
am an amateur photographer who has come happily bounding into the new age of
digital photography. Using a film camera is no longer an option for me. I just can't
wait to have film developed to see my creations.

All of the changes can make us feel like we are out of control. Our lives keep moving
along day-to-day and "stuff" happens - whether we want it to or not... It would
seem all this talk about creating your own reality is just that, "talk". But when I look
back over my life, I can see that most of what I've wanted has come to pass.

* I live in the mountains.

* I work out of my beautiful, new home.

* I'm self employed. No boss to control what I do and when I do it.

* I have a wonderful marriage that many people would envy.

* All of my family is healthy and happy - all three children and eight grandchildren.

I remember years ago sitting in my office at AT&T dreaming about working at home
and being free. I never could have foreseen how it would all come to pass - but it did.
Maybe we
do have control over our lives!

This is what I've learned from my journey through life, so far.

Whatever you want your life to look like - own it. If you own it and believe in it, you
will most likely be living it - eventually. How far away is eventually? That depends
on how willing you are to own what you want and use the universal principles that
bring it into your life faster -- front and center.

Your power to live the life you want is positioned, ready, and waiting to be fully
utilized; and no one else can use that power, just you. But there's one catch. You have
to let go of the notion that someone else has control of your destiny. No one -- not
your boss, your mother, your spouse, your friends, your advisors -- no one but you
can steer your life towards your dreams and goals.

So, own it. Own your life. Whatever you are going through -- own it and be the best
you can be throughout the experience. Others will see you and be motivated by your
shining example to take control of the steering wheel of your life.

While you're in the process of learning how to own your life, it helps to let go of your
preconceived notions about how the details of your life should turn out. Letting go
does not mean you're giving up control. Instead it means you're taking control.

When you own your life, you refuse to give your power away to outside influences.
You're living life based on your inner knowing, which points you to what serves you
best in all circumstances. You're learning to listen to you.

Some may call this a selfish way of living. I call it living by your soul's navigation. If
we all lived by our soul's navigation, there would be no need for condemnation,
criticism, judgment, or fear, because your soul is your connection to the only Source
who knows the bigger picture, the higher perspective of all of life.

As we learn to claim our power, we also learn to release unrealistic expectations that
we have for others. We gift them with our trust and unconditional love and caring --
just as they are. There is no longer a need to try to control other's lives so that they
can fulfill our own.  What a glorious life of unlimited possibilities it would be if we
all lived by our soul's navigation, allowing ourselves and all others to be the best of
who we are, and who we are yet to be.

Here are 3 steps to guide you as you learn to own your life.

1. Get clear on what you value. What's most important to you?

2. Decide what you're willing to give up to own what you value.

3. Decide what you're willing to do to bring what you value more fully into your life.

When you get clear on these 3 steps and own them, with integrity, you will be well
on your way to creating the life you want. Not in 1 year, 5 years, or 10 years -- but

About the Author: Sandy Reed, Certified Life Coach and small business owner, provides
personal coaching, teleclasses, tools and resources designed to assist soulpreneurs in preparing
for life transitions. She publishes a free bi-monthly ezine, "Find Your Power, Love Your Life..."
Visit her website
Inner Clarity Life Coaching for more information and to sign-up for her free
introductory eCoaching Program.

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Be Your Own Boss

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