Put A Lid On The "ANT" Farm And Boost Productivity
By Laurie Hayes

You wouldn't leave the lid off a live
ant farm in your home or office would

Why not?  

Because you know they'd create a huge mess and eventually drive you mad once
they've multiplied a hundred times over and covered everything in their path.

For this very same reason, you want to keep a lid on your mind's "ants."

Your mind's ants are those "action needed tasks" that tie up valuable head space and
divert your focus from the single most important thing that needs your attention.

Mind ants are those constant little reminders you have in your head of things you
have to do like, "pick up supper tonight," "call the bank about the overcharge,"
"increase Ms. Jones' monthly order to three units" or "set up an interview with the

These mind ants are generated every time you create a task that requires an action, no
matter how big or small that action is.

And the problem is -- these mind ants are like swarming insects inside your brain,
blocking productivity.

They cloud your focus and take your attention away from important matters.

So, how do you keep a lid on the ant farm?

With two simple rules ...

Whenever you create a new task that requires action, do one of two things.

1.  If the action can be taken care of within two minutes, tend to it right away. It may
be as simple as delegating it to someone else. You have prevented the birth of a
mind ant.

2.  If the item requires more than two minutes of your time, record it on an action
list. By writing it down, you have spared yourself from having to carry it around in
your mind as a rampant ant.

You don't have to clutter your mind because you have a list to refer to when you're
able to give it your attention.

Because your mind is clear, you can focus on your most important tasks and follow
them through to completion.

Follow these two simple rules and you should observe an instant boost in

Leave the ant farm in little Johnny's science class. ;-)

About the writer: Laurie Hayes is the expert and visionary behind The HBB Confidential, a
no-cost bi-weekly ezine for home-based business owners.  Each issue delivers simple strategies
you can use right away to build a profitable home business while creating fun and freedom in
your life! Go to
The HBB Source to learn more.
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