How To Make A Big Difference (in Your Home Business) With Small Changes
By Trevor Hill

You may have come across the Butterfly Effect -- the idea that a small change can set
off big consequences. It comes from Chaos Theory which suggests that the flapping
wings of a butterfly in one part of the world can change the complete weather pattern
in another part of the globe.

The same idea is expressed in the well-known nursery rhyme about the horse shoe
that was lost because of a missing nail which, by turn of various consequences, results
in the loss of the battle and ultimately the whole kingdom!

So if small change can make a big difference, how can we benefit?

Here's an example: Yesterday I made a handwritten note to myself. Today, when I
looked at it lying on my desk, I was momentarily puzzled why I had stopped writing
where I had, because the ideas seemed to be good ones.

Then I remembered -- the pen I had been using was tired and scratchy so the writing
was feint and patchy. I had interrupted the flow of ideas simply because of the pen!

I had "made do" with the irritation until it had stopped me doing something that was

How ironic that little things like this get in our way. What irritations are you putting
up with?

Specifically, look around -- what can you see in your environment (home, work,
elsewhere) that you would rather not see? What small changes can you easily make?

One colleague has found that by simply tidying his desk and replacing the
background picture on his computer, he feels more creative. He has removed the
interference he was experiencing.

Take a moment to listen -- what sounds are there that would be better gone? A friend
decided to stop listening to the news on her drive to work and instead play music she
finds inspiring.

What irritations can you feel? What would make you more comfortable?

For example, many people find that stretching at regular intervals during the day can
stop tension and headaches.

Remember, you are looking for small changes which, by their nature, will be quick to

Here's a simple strategy:

1. Make a list of your top five irritations
2. Choose one that you can take action on today
3. When it is no longer there to irritate and hinder you, move on to the next one
4. Use the freedom from these distractions to be more inspired

The other good news is that the changes you make, and the positive difference it
makes to you, will influence those around you in a similar direction.

About the author: Trevor helps people who want to be energised, motivated and fulfilled,
especially in their working lives. If you would like to receive regular articles like this one or get a
FREE copy of Trevor's 'Passport To Inspiration' simply sign-up at
Inspiration at Work.

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Photo by Piotr Bizior