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Turn Prospects Into Clients By Answering These Four Questions
by Jen Blackert

You may know this by now, but I will
tell you anyway, website visitors
or offline prospects are hard to find.

If you know you ARE getting traffic to your website or ads are out, but no one is
calling, maybe you need to answer their questions before they ask. Critique your
website and ads by identifying your Web site's or ads' strengths and weaknesses.
These questions will convert prospects into buyers.

Question #1: Can you solve my problem?
Remember, someone has performed a search on your key word set and found you.
They are very valuable to you. Now it is your job to answer their questions and
bring a solution to their problem. This is just one of the reasons why it is critical to
select key words that boom, bam, hit the "center of gravity" in your targeted
market. This is one of the reasons why blogs (web logs) are great ideas. A lot of
questions can be addressed in a blog over time and the search engines love them.
Blogs offer lots of fresh updated content. What more could a search engine ask for?

Question #2: What do you do?
Yes, visitors are interested in what you do. Talk to your visitor. Use copy that
involves them. Like you are talking to them. It's easy. Isn't it? Here's a hint. Slip
into your weekend style of storytelling. Get to the point, but with flair and
casualness that attracts listeners. Here's an example: you see someone you've not
seen in a while and they ask what you are doing these days. Knowing their time
and attention span could be brief, you deliver the key points with an anecdote, a
comparison, an example -- in short, a story.

Question #3: Who are you?
Your visitor wants to know all about you. They want to see pictures of Your
company, pictures of your employees and they want to know all your past history
and experience. It is your job to give it to them. The best way to do this is to give it
up. Let them know what your company looks like. Let them know the experience
of your board of directors. This is usually accomplished with an About Us page
that is just one click away.

Question #4: Do I believe you and can I trust you?
Let's talk about testimonials. Collect testimonials from both clients and character
testimonials from friends. And most importantly the testimonials must be
meaningful. For example: "My company grew by __ %" or "My profit ____ in ___
months." Another great way to gain trust is by developing an online relationship
with an ezine or an email newsletter. Share regular helpful information and don't
try to sell your services. Just inform them on what you have to offer.

So what is your website saying? Is it talking and answering questions? Or is it just
sitting there like a bump on a log?

About the author: Jen Blackert, The Online Success Coach, teaches small business
owners how to branding their website with her simple eBranding success system.
Visit her website at
Jack Blakert and her online reality blog at I Brand Web.
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